#SgSL YouTube LivestreamingAfter exploring our live video channels, we have made up our mind. We use our YouTube channel for live-streaming #SgSL, instead of our...
Free Sign-Language Interpreted Performance - A $ingapore Carol by W!LD RICEWe got 5 free tickets for our members of ExtraOrdinary Horizons. But limited (to d/Deaf); on a first-come-first-served basis. Attached...
#SgSL Short Live Videos on FB PageToday we did our first short live video on our FB Page. We started it with #SgSL fingerspelling tips. Since I currently study part-time,...
Challenge #1 of Running the Deaf-led ExtraOrdinary Horizons (Phone Calls)Just now I received the phone call. Upon answering it, I stopped the caller from talking further. “Hello, that’s me. I am Lily Goh from...